Monday 4 March 2013

Monday: Crystal Palace Park

I know that I should write about what I did on Saturday. But first of all I forget writing about it and it was a boring or not especial day. In the morning I didn't do any remarkable and later  I was working from 16:00 to 22:00. So I prefer write about what I did yesterday.

On Monday I went to view Crystal Palace Park. My friend Antonio suggested me to go with him and I thought would be a good idea. The morning was delightful so was a good day for walking.
About 12 p.m. we took the bus 53 to Blackheath and later 202 to Crystal Palace. We spent more than one hour to arrive but we don't care because we like going in a bus if we aren't in hurry and if we are watching new places.

When we arrived we noticed that the day was  colder that we thought. It was sunny but a little bit cold. We don't care we wanted to walk and discover where the maze was, I wanted to see everything but he was  interested in the maze. At the main door there was a plane of the park therefore we can notice how big it is.
We start walking on the top of the park. There are a lot of  "Egyptian statues" they are enormous and we took some pictures of it. On the top of the park there was the Crystal Palace a long time before but a fire destroyed it. Now you can't see anything about it. This statues and the stairs were in the entrance of the palace.

While we were walking we found the lakes. There are three lakes and in my opinion they are lovely. There are "dinosaures" around the lakes and a cascade. There wasn't so many people so it was perfect for stay there. I wondered how it will look like in a really sunny and hot day as a summer day. It should be gorgeous with all the flowers and plants. I want to come back in summer and enjoy the day completely with be worried about the wind or cold weather.

When we finished to view the lakes we met a college and we spend some time with him and his dog. He showed us where the maze was. He live in this area so he knows the park very well. We spend a nice time talking together and we arrive to "The Maze".

In the Maze we thought it will be very easy to find the exit but we were wrong. We made the mistake way many times but finally we found the escape door. It was funny.

When we exit it was about 15.30 time to have lunch. So we decided to look for any place where eat.

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