Wednesday 20 March 2013

Grammar: between and among

Between and among
Do you know when to use between and when to use among? We challenge Chuan from South Korea to get it right by playing The Banana Game. But what is The Banana Game? Listen to find out!

Between distinguishes two or more separate things – and is followed by countable or uncountable, single or plural nounsAmong means 'one of many', and usually goes with plural nouns.
clausebetweennoun(s) – referring to individual things
He shared the money equallybetweenJake and Mary

clauseamongplural nouns
Her exam results put heramongthe top 10% of students in her group

 Between distinguishes 2 or more separate things – and is followed by countable or 
uncountable, single or plural nouns. 

clause between noun (s) – referring to individual things 
Is there a connection between unemployment and crime?
He shared the money equally between his 3 grandchildren
He shared the money equally between Jake and Mary

Among means 'one of many', and usually goes with plural nouns. 

clause among plural nouns 
Her exam results put her among the top 10% of students in her group
It's among the trees
It's difficult to live among strangers

Exercise 1: Gap-fill
Read the sentences and choose which is better - between or among.
1. The printer is … between…. the computer and the photocopier.
2. There are a few French speakers … among ….the students.
3. Sales of magazines … among …….book club members increased slightly this year.
4. There was a similarity in sales of fiction books … between ……members and non-members.
5. Gina shared the cake … between…… herself, Flora, Yao and Sarah.
6. Humaid shared the money … . among …..the whole class.

Exercise 2: Word order
Choose the 5 words which complete each sentence:
1. All … . the children fought amongst themselves…..
2. This ice cream is to …be shared between Jack and ….. John.
3. Where is my phone? I can't find … it among all this stuff ….. on my desk.
4. Oh there it is! It's … hiding between the monitor  and ….the modem.
5. Which shoes do you like? I can't …decide between the blue and …. the brown.
6. …we can decide among ourselves …..and then tell the boss, ok?

Use the grammar 
Think about a situation in your life when you were part of a group – at school, with friends, at work or in a club or other organization. Use between and among to tell us about some of your experiences.

generally speaking, you can use 'between' for more than 2 things when they are identified indivdually. If you are talking about a group of things, where the individuals are not identified, 'among' is more common. So the sentence 'Gina shared the cake BETWEEN herself, Sarah, Hebin, and Catherine' is correct, and 'she shared it AMONG 4 people' is also correct!

Le Vo Hue Quan, Viet nam
I'm learning in my university, and Nha is the best girl I have ever met among my friends. Another girl is Ngan, she loves me too, but between Nha and Ngan I choose Nha, because Nha is more beautiful, lovely, funny and she is always by my side whenever I'm down.

Arfa, Pakistan
It was our farewell party and I was the one amongst my group who decided that we should wear saris. We decided to compete on who, between me and Sara would have the best dress. When we arrived at the party hall, among the entire crowd we were the only ones wearing saris. Everyone was staring at us. All my friends said that it was my idea and a quarrel arose between me and my friendsAmong all the parties I have ever been to, this was truly the worst one.

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