Monday 15 April 2013

Saturday, 13 of April

      It was my day off, the only one that I had that week. And it was perfect because I had an appointment that morning because of the open day in Greenwich University. I was very excited and I tried to plan all the morning as better as I could. I wanted to get as much info as was possible. But it wasn't how I planned it.

      That day was my brother's birthday so as soon I woke up I sent it a message. And I took the bus to Greenwich. When we arrived we had to do the inscription and they gave us some papers with info about the day. We went directly to business building because I am interested in Human Resource Management and it is part of business studies.There a woman very friendly gave me a leaflet with info about the course and showed me the room where were some people that could give me information regarding it. There I found different groups of people talking among them with different future students. I spoke with a very young boy who was a professor (he was younger than me). He explain me about the course and I did some questions. When we finished the conversation I had some question without answer.

      Later we went to a lecturer about loan and financial issues. This matter is very important for me because I haven't the money for the fees (about 9.000 pounds) so I have to apply for a loan or grant. That lecture was interesting because I found information useful. When the lecture was finished we decided go to eat something. It was about 11.30 and we hadn't have breakfast yet.
      When we finished the lunch/breakfast we decided to come back to the university to discover more about it. The University is pretty beautiful, it is huge and with a magic feeling because the building is very very old. I liked the Campus. There was a tour around the Campus but I decided to explore by myself (well with Antonio, of course).  We viewed some building more but some of them such us the library we needed a pass to enter so we couldn't see it inside.


      I decided that I had enough info and the next step is to do the application directly. So we came back to Charlton. We spent the day at home resting and talking about my future.

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