Thursday 25 April 2013

writing exam

Task 1 (About 10 minutes) 
You receive this email from your friend Jo. 
Unfortunately, you canít help Jo. Reply to Joís email explaining why you canít help, recommending 
someone else who could help in the restaurant and saying why he or she would be suitable. 
Write about 100 words. 

Help! Iím opening my new restaurant next week and I really need some help. Are you still 
looking for work? Youíd be doing me a real favour if you could come and work with me. 
Subject: Restaurant work 
Subject: Re: Restaurant work  

Dear Jo,

I'm really happy to hear you're finally to open your new restaurant and it will be next week. I'm very pleased you are thinking of me to help you.

As you know I'm working full time in the restaurant and I'm also attending University. You may have noticed that I'm very busy. So I'm really sorry but I can't help you at this moment.

However, I have a good friend who has  more than five years experience working in an important branch of restaurants. She's recently moved to London and she's looking for a job. So I think her knowledge  may be more useful for you than mine. I'm sure she'd be really happy to help you and to work with you.

If you are interested I can give you her number in order to contact with her.

I'm waiting for your reply.

See you soon.


Task 2 (About 25 minutes) 
This is part of a letter you receive from Farrington Engineers, who repaired some household 
equipment for you recently. 
I am sorry you are unhappy with the repairs we carried out recently. As we aim to 
provide the highest professional standards, I would be grateful if you could give full 
details of the problems you have had and what you would like us to do about the 
situation. It would help us if you could also suggest ways in which we can improve 
our services. 
Yours sincerely, 
David Harris 
General Manager 
Write a letter replying to David Harris. 
Write about 140 words. You do not need to write the address or the date.

Dear Mr. Harris,

Thanks for your letter. I'd like to give you more details about the problem that I've had with you company.

I contacted you because I had a microwave which didn't work well. So you team spend about 15 days checking it and solving the problem.

When I picked up it I noticed that it didn't warm food up neither worked well with the rest of functions. Although it was supposed to work perfectly.Your team checked it again and repaired the new problem. But they spent more than one month doing it.

Therefore my complain is because I have spent almost two months to get the microwave repaired and I have paid twice for you job. I consider it's no fair that you expect me to pay twice for it because it was your mistake not mine.

I hope you can check with your team what happened and I can get my money back soon because the first time you didn't repair the microwave correctly.

I hope to hear  from you soon.

Yours fairthfully,


Task 3a (About 40 minutes) 
Your ESOL teacher is planning next yearís ESOL course and has asked students for their 
suggestions. You decide to write a proposal. 
In your proposal, you should write about the following points, giving your reasons: 
• the ideal number of students in a class 
• the ideal number of study hours each week 
• the types of topic that could be studied 
• any other points you think are important. 
Write about 180 words.

Task 3b (About 40 minutes) 
Your college magazine is asking its readers the following question: 
Is it better to be your own boss or work for a company? 
You decide to write an article for the magazine. In your article, answer the question, giving reasons 
for your opinion. 
Write about 180 words

be your own boss
advantages: you can choose everything/ you organice and manage yourself/ you have all the control
disadvantages:  high risk/ you are very involved/ not free time/ no a fixed salary/ no estability

Nowadays with the economic problems we have, it's a topic about which most of us have thought anytime.
In my opinion it isn't easy to decide what is the best choice. Although at first time being your own boss can seem very attractive for you before carrying on your choice you should consider all the positive and negative points.

At first, having your own company and being your own boss is a great deal. You have  the power about  everything, I mean, you can organize and manage the way you want that  everything is going. You can decide  any minimum detail. You haven't anybody who tell you what have to do or how, nobody gives you any order. You have the chance to decide and choose over everything. All this sounds really exciting because you can  decide what is what  you want.

On the other hand,  working by yourself has some disadvantages too. Being your own boss you take a high risk because you not only haven't a fix salary and fix income but also you haven't stability in your job. As well, you will be very involved in the job without free time at first. You have a main role now so the job will absorb you completely at the beginning.

So if you consider all this points you should be carefully about your choice. And you should decide if you are going to take the risk or no.

Monday 22 April 2013

homework (update)

*Dictionary (3 pictures)

*My shopping (27/09/12) pp

*Use of mobile (1/10/12) word

*My favorite clothe (1/10/12) word

*My classmates (11/10/12) word

*Polaroid adjectives (11/10/12) (5 pictures)

*Autumn quotes (23/10/12) (3 pictures)

*Ingredients with F (22/11/12) pp

*Moustache (22/11/12) (2 pictures), group (26/11/12) (4 pictures)

*Common structure with verbs (29/11/12) pp

*Calendar (06/12/12) (12 pictures)

*Resolutions (11/12/12) word

*Winter quotes (14/01/13) (4 pictures)

*Eyes quotes (17/01/13) (4 pictures)

*Streets (24/01/13) (2 pictures)

*SP (31/01/13)

*Paper (31/01/13)

*Silent letter (february 2013)

*new self-portraits (20/02/13)

*poem (27/02/13)

*idioms and collocations (27/02/13)

*my bag (28/02/13)

*what I did on Saturday/Monday (04/03/13)

*portrait of classmates (07/03/13)

*International women's day (07/03/13)

*phobias (14/03/13)

*grammar so/such 14/03/13)

*liking words (14/03/13)

*silent letters (14/03/13)

*grammar unless (20/03/13)

*grammar for and since (20/03/13)

*grammar between and among (20/03/13)

*vocabulary of women text (20/03/13)

*ILP (october 12 -  21/03/13)

Done in October. Now update
*Writing (11/04/13)

*Cockney Slang (18/04/13)

*writing exam (25/04/13)

*food presentation and writing about food. (25/04/13)

Horniman Museum
Church (Next to Moley)
Day out (River)