Monday 1 October 2012

use of mobile phone (01/10/12)


The use of mobiles is day-to-day. Nowdays almost everbody have it, even more than one. You can see children with their own mobile, people talking in anywhere and with everyone it doesn’t matter where the other person is.
Apparently the mobile phone is a good invention but there are some points to take into account.
Fist of all we should stop to think if we are using it in a good way. We use it too many times without thinking if we are disturbing to other people or not. We can see people talking in a waiting room in the hospital, while they are shopping, when they are meeting with other friends and the worst of all, while they are driving their cars. Before use the mobile we should think: Do I really need to phone now? Sometimes we only phone to somebody because we are boring or we are waiting for something and we want out time passing quickly. But we don’t aware of  disturbing other people and it quite annoying when you are in any place and there is someone talking in high voice or shouting while they are talking.
In my opinion the problem is not regarding the mobile the main thing is reganding to be polite or well-mannered. For me is as annoying people shouting or speaking in high level voice by the mobile or in a face to face converstation. We have to be considered with the others. We should remenber than our freedom ends where another’s begin. So don’t mind if we are using the mobile or not the most important is to take care about the others.
Other point to be considered about the mobiles is that nowdays they aren’t not only a phone they are a small computer which you can use for almost everything. You can take photos, listen to music, watch a film, you can be connected to internet, etc. Therefore it is a very useful item. But we should take care about this because if we lose it or it is broken then we have a big problem because we have lost all the telephone numbers of our friends, ours pictures and a lot of information. So it is quite dangerous to give too much information in an item.
Some people can think that mobiles are essential for our lives but we should try passing a pair of days without them. Perhaps at the beginning we can feel nervious or worried but some time later we will feel free.

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