Thursday 31 January 2013

Me, myself, I

This picture was made during the break in the toilet of Morley College. As soon as I saw it I noticed that it could be very good  for my self-portrait. I could get three images of me at the same time and all of them are different. I know people can think toilet isn't a good place for taking a picture but I don't mind I think it is very original. 



thin flat material which is made from crushed wood or cloth and is used for writing, printing or drawing on

       look good on paper
to seem fine in theory, but not perhaps in practice; to appear to be a good plan

he plan looks good on paper, but it may not work.

not worth the paper it's written on 
 meaningless or without authority; of no value.

 That contract isn't worth the paper it's written on. 

envelope- a flat, usually square or rectangular, paper container for a letter.

Wrapping paper- Decorated paper which is used to cover presents.

Cigarette paper- a thin piece of paper used in making a cigarette, especially by someone who makes their own.

Tissue- soft paper which is used for cleaning, especially your nose, and is thrown away after use.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Monday 28 January 2013


*To know your onions/ to know your stuff (you know a lot about something)

*To look like a happy bunny (look like very happy like a rabbit)

*To be over the moon about/with (you are very pleased)

Thursday 24 January 2013

streets of London

High Holborn St.

Jubilee Gardens (20/01/2013)

After a long day of work my friend and I decided to go by the river and take some pictures.  The day before and that day was snowing a lot and we wanted to spend some time playing with the snow and taken some pictures, the cityscape was beautiful. Although we were tired and the weather wan't really good, it was a very very funny spending some time there. We are waitning now for the next snow.

Is hearing and listening the same thing?

        We usually think that listening and hearing is the same but there is a big difference between them. When we are hearing we receive information unconsciously, we don’t have to do any effort to get sounds, words, but listening is an active process we have to do an effort for getting it. If we are listening we have to assimilate the information we are receiving in this moment in order to keep a conversation going with the other person and getting the gist of the conversation.

        For example we somebody are talking to us but we are not interested in the conversation, we can be thinking in other things while he/she are speaking to us. In this case we are hearing him/her but we aren’t listening. But in other case if we are interested in the  conversation we listen him/her carefully because we are receiving information and we can reply, give an advice, etc., there is a feedback between us.

Thursday 17 January 2013

eyes quotes

Is working from home a good idea?

"In the future, most people won’t have to go to work at all. They’ll work from home."
What do you think?

 I know that now we have new ways of communication and we are connected between us with new technologies and we needn’t stay in the same place as your boss or mate, now you don’t need go to the office for working, you can make it from home.
 Nowadays there are a lot of companies which offer a job from house. This new situation has  advantages but at the same time some disadvantages.
At first view you can think that you don’t have to move to the job, you can work with the clothes that you can, cloth is not important. No more rush hour, traffic, delays…. You might think that it is the perfect way to work.  But if you go deeper you can notice that it isn’t so good as you could thing before. In this new situation you are working alone, you don’t have colleges or mates working with you. You don’t have people to say good morning and chat about the little things that happened to you the day before. And in my opinion this is very sad and not only about chatting. We would lose something very important, teamwork, respect the job and opinions of others, cooperation, etc. This isn’t a good way to develop us in our jobs.
Other point to be considerate would be all the time that you will spend at home.  Now you are going to stay a lot of hours without fresh air in your face, without seeing anything else except your room. This can be good for you if you have babies or children and you have to take care of them. It would be easier and more comfortable if you are working from home. This would be quite good for you.
If this is good or not depends on you and the situation of everyone, some people can think that it is fantastic but other can feel this no good enough and the can prefer the traditional way.
It is your choice!